IvyWild Dairy
Breeder of ADGA & AGS registered
Nigerian Dwarf Goats
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IvyWild SR SchoolDay
JRCH at 8 wks old
SSS: Castle Rock Akikta *B
SS: Violet Acres School's Out *B
SSD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Spelling Bee *M
S: GCH Almar Acres SchoolHouse Rock *B
SDS: Poppy Ptach WL MoonDoggie
SD: SGCH Camanna MD Alshanee Moon 4*M
SDD: SG Camanna WR Moonlight Serenity
DSS: Dill's D Two-Step ++*B
DS: Dill's TS Nailed It *B
DSD: Dill's H Up Yours 3*M (VEEE91)
D: Heaven's Hollow Edge of Eden
DDS: Heaven's Hollow Charmer *B
DD: SGCH Heaven's Hollow Edens Bae 2*M (VEEV 88 @02-04)
DDD: SGCH Simple Pleasures DR Edens Edge *M (20166 & 2017 Elite)(EEEE90)
4/23/2022 WCGE Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe
7/9/2022 Park County Rendezvous - Fairplay
Ring 1: 1st
Ring 2: 3rd
Ring 3: 3rd
yearling ff-24 days fresh/12 hr fill
D: Heaven's Hollow Edge of Eden
DD: SG Heaven's Hollow Edens Bae
(02-04 88 VEEV) (2017 Elite Doe)
DDD: SGCH Simple Pleasures Dr Edens Edge *M (05-06 90 EEEE )
DSD: 3*M Dill’s Up Yours