IvyWild Dairy
Breeder of ADGA & AGS registered
Nigerian Dwarf Goats
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IvyWild Zoboomafoo
DNA on file with ADGA -sire confirmed
yearling FF - 3 weeks fresh -12 hr fill
pictured at 4mo
SSS: Castle Rock Akikta +*B
SS: Violet Acres Schools Out *B
SSD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Spelling Bee 2*M (5th place 3yr old ADGA Nationals)
S: GCH(pend) Almar Acres SchoolHouse Rock *B (++E 84 @03/06)
SDS: Poppy Patch WL Moondoggie *B
SD: SGCH Camanna MD Alshanee Moon 4*M
SDD: SG Camanna WR Moonlight Serenity 3*M
DSS: GCH Chenago-hills lysander +*B
DS: CH J-Nels Ly Zoolander *B
DSD: GCH J-nels GP Caramel Delight 1*M EEE92 @ 07-03
D: 1x GCH Bright Farm Zooboo 3*M(pend)
DDS: Dragonfly L San Mateo +B
DD: GCH J-Nels SM Dimplin 2*M (+EEE 88 @ 08-03)
DDD: SGCH J-Nels BB Dimples 1*M VVEV 88 @08-07
CDGA Harvest Show 3rd under judge Morgan Allen, 2nd under judge Justin Bassett