IvyWild Dairy
Breeder of ADGA & AGS registered
Nigerian Dwarf Goats
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Winning Streak CM Pay Day
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable
S: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Fam CountnBlessns 1*M VEEV89
Winning Streak PayDay
DS: Phoenix Farms Exotic Bird +*B
D: GCH (pend) SDG Poptart's Lollipop VEEE90 (8th place ADGA 2yr 2022 Nationals)
DD: Hidden Palms sk Cherry Poptart
Payday freshened as a FF with a single doeling with ease. She is a dairy, level doe with a beautiful FF udder. I believe she will develop into an amazing doe as she matures. She is paternal sisters to Darlin Diva the 3yr old/3rd udder at the 2021 ADGA nationals show, Stella the 8th place 2yr old, Snow boots the 6th place yearlng milker and the 9th place Jr yearling Pumpkin Pie. She is the paternal sister to Molded rose and so many more.
Dam: GCH (pending) SDG Poptart’s Lollipop VEEE90
pc: winning streak
SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm CountnBlessings 1*M VEEV89
pc: agapes prize