IvyWild Dairy
Breeder of ADGA & AGS registered
Nigerian Dwarf Goats
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IvyWild Bloody Brilliant
yearling ff (had a single doeling) 4 weeks fresh on a 9hr fill
SSS: SG Old Mountain Farm Keidan Quinn +*B
- SS: CH Agape's Prize Countn on Quinn *B
SSD: GCH Wood BRidge Farm CountnBlessings 1*M(1st place yearling milker@2016 ADGA Nationals)
S: Agape's Prize Bleeding Heart *B
SDS: Wood Bridge Farm BridgeofBella *B
- SD: Agape's Prize Black Dahlia *M
SDD:GCH Wood Bridge Farm Scarlet Rose *M (2018 ADGA National Champion)
DSS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B
- DS: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It *B (EEE91)
DSD: GCH Old Mountain Farm Natasha 3*M
D: Fox Valley Pumpkin Pie
DDS: DesertNanny BBB Blue Haboob *B
- DD: GCH DesertNanny BH Pie a La Mode *M
DDD: DesertNanny BR BlackBottomPie 4*M (VV++86)
None yet